A well-written and error-free translation is essential to conveying the quality, seriousness, and professionalism of your work.

Review and proofreading are the two final steps you'll need to perform before delivering your work to your client. They are essential for ensuring that your translation is the best it can be.

Skills Required

  • Attention to detail:

    Reviewers and proofreaders need to have a keen eye for detail and be able to spot even the smallest errors.

  • Expertise in the subject:

    Reviewers and proofreaders should have a good understanding of the subject matter of the text they are reviewing to ensure that the translation is accurate and culturally appropriate.

  • Exceptional writing skills:

    Reviewers and proofreaders should have excellent writing skills and be able to edit and proofread text to a high standard.

Here is how I generally proceed

  • 1. Start by taking a break.

    This gives my eyes and brain a chance to rest and helps me to be more focused when I start reviewing.

  • 2. Read the text aloud.

    Even if it took some time for my family to get used to it, reading the text aloud allows me to identify errors that I might miss when reading it silently.

  • 3. Use a spell/grammar checker.

    These can be lifesavers! However, I know that these tools are unable to catch all errors. So, I never entirely rely on them and review my work carefully even after using them.

  • 4. Use a style guide and a checklist

    This helps me to focus on the most important areas that need to be reviewed. I always have client requirements at hand and ensure I comply with each of them before delivery.

Why use a checklist and text specifications?

Before starting a translation, I create two documents for that specific project: text specifications and a checklist.

I use the checklist to list all the items that need to be checked off. On the other hand, text specifications are a set of guidelines and information I gather about the client, the audience, the objective of the document, etc.

If you don't use them, I would strongly advise you to do so. Checklists and text specifications will help you to be more systematic and efficient in your review process. They can also help you to ensure that you are reviewing all the important areas of the translation, such as grammar, punctuation, spelling, terminology, etc.

Since I adopted this new method, I was able to improve my consistency, catch more errors, save time, and produce higher quality translations on my own. 

So, if you really want to improve your review and proofreading skills, I strongly encourage you to start using a checklist and text specifications. 

You won't be disappointed!

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